Tuesday, July 25, 2006

The rules of being good

There's this girl I work with, whom, for the sake of this writing, will be called Corey Hart. She may be the epitome of all that I find wrong with people. I hate her, loathe her, detest her. Whatever your favorite verb signalling a strong dislike is, I [that verb] her. Simply put, she breaks all the rules that govern respectable people. Namely:
  1. You have to realize that you are not perfect. Everyone has faults. If you act like you don't have any flaws, you're a liar. You are presenting a false image of yourself (isn't that the Fourth Commandment? Thou shalt not bear false witness? I'm not sure, me and the bible never got along...more on that at a later date). It also makes you seem like you think you're superior to everyone else, and if you're superior, why should I waste my time trying to converse with you as equals?
  2. As a corolarry to the first rule, you most certainly do not know everything. If somebody asks you a question, and you don't know the answer, you say you don't know. You don't try to make something up, and pretend you know what's going on. For example, if someone asked me what the Fourth Commandment was, and I was a respectable person (a very big if, in this case), I should make it perfectly clear that I have a guess, but I'm not 100% certain.
  3. Quietness is a big must. Unless you're on a desert island, there will be people around you who have absolutely no interest in your mundane conversation you're having with other people. Keep your voice down and let other people be spared from having to listen to you.
  4. No matter how big or small your past achievements are, they're in the past. You can bring them up once, or twice, that third time you're pushing it. The fourth and fifth time? Just shut up. The hundredth time? OhmygodIwanttoslapyouinthefaceyoudumbbitch.
  5. Never, ever wear Aviators unless you're sitting in the cockpit of an airplane and are about to be/in the process of/just finished flying it. And especially not inside (and at night...hence the name Corey Hart).
Just following all these rules does not automatically make a person good. I'll get into what else there is later. But a person could be a total jerk while still following these rules, and a person could still be a good person while breaking one or two of these rules. But if, from across a room, I can hear you talk about how the US dollar is strong, but the "British....what's the British currency...Columbia? See, I'm funny!" (that is a paraphrase of what Corey Hart said), I'm going to want to pound you (I won't even pretend that was funny).

And what makes me qualified to judge a person? Well, I hate a lot of people. Myself included.


Blogger Geoff of the Gungle said...

I think Arnold Schwartezegger- or however you spell that mothah truckah's name- is allowed to wear aviators. But preference is given to Elton John style star-shaped sunglasses.

12:10 PM  

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