Sunday, July 30, 2006

Oh, the creepiness

After the advent of social networking web sites and pretentious ledes, the main question in my life has become: is it possible to fall in love at first facebook sight? There's this girl, and I know of her ( and I think she knows of me too, for the record), so one day when I saw that we had a couple of facebook friends in common (namely my roommate), I clicked out of curiosity. And lo and behold, she seemed cool. Real cool (I think my exact quote to one of my friends when I noticed this was "Dude, she seems mad chill"). So, being the relatively single 20-year-old male that I am, the thought of actually being more than friends occured to me. Of course, we're not even facebook friends yet.

And this, my faithful reader, is what scares me. I don't even know this girl. I've never said a word to her. Yet, I've been able to gauge enough of her personality through her facebook profile to harbor a little crush on her. Now, I have other crushes too, bigger crushes, but this one is the only one that I've never met. I'm a normal guy. And if I had a conversation with this girl, and her facebook profile is an accurate representation of her actual personality, I would almost definitely like her just the same. But the facebook has turned me into a really, really creepy guy. I try to tell myself that it's not like I was scouring the facebook for someone to like, and that the information that led me to my "dude, she seems mad chill" conclusion was information that she voluntarily posted in public view. But still. I've never met this girl. And I kinda like her. Sketch.


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