Tuesday, August 15, 2006

The Glad bag was a close eighteenth

Is there a more underrated invention than the Zip-lock bag? I was packing today, and I was able to put some clothes in this big Zip-lock bag (which was more expensive than your average Zip-lock bag. It's supposed to be especially for packing, but really, it's just a big Zip-lock bag with some valve type thing. These parenthetical digressions are awful writing, I apologize. Remember, putting clothes in the bag...and go) which was designed to take the air out of the bag, thus saving space and allowing more stuff to be packed. And lo and behold, despite needing two suitcases for the first trip, and adding stuff in between, I'm totally packed with one suitcase. Because of the Zip-lock bag (three of them, to be precise). Fantastic.

And while I'm here, I have to comment about last night's Entourage. This show has long been in the Pantheon (recently joined by It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia, meanwhile), but after the last couple weeks, it may need a new category. Simply brilliant. There hasn't been a better Entourage moment than Drama's haymaker to Seth Green's crony (rivaled only by Arrested Development's lessons), and then last night finding a way to weave in a Hollywood legend (Martin Landau, who should be given an Emmy - I was on the floor whenever he opened his mouth. But a post for a later date: who wears a bowtie?), a Suge Knight-Vanilla Ice reference (Saigon's old manager hanging Drama off the balcony. If Suge Knight had walked out instead of whoever that actor was, I would have died laughing) and the greatest band of all-time (the Ramones). Not to mention some great one-liners from Turtle (If I don't find him, I'm going to kill myself by eating all your Propecia pills!) and Lloyd (You called him a douchebag? That's not nice, E). Just outstanding. I'm going to go out on a limb and say it: better than Arrested Development in its prime. Arrested Development is better for repeated viewing, but for the first viewing, it's Entourage hands-down.

And one more thing (for Entourage, I can go on for hours. My ex-girlfriend claims to be a huge Entourage fan. The only episodes she's ever seen are ones she saw at my house, and when she first saw it, she hated it and only watched it because I sat through Sex and the City for her. Me, I've liked the show since day one and can and will talk about it until someone stops me. And I had to get that thing off my chest about my ex - it really annoys me how people are huge fans of things, but really show no dedication): in the show, Vince as Joey Ramone is great. But if it was all real, I would not want Vincent Chase to play Joey Ramone. Aquaman as a punk rock legend? Are you kidding me? Pablo Escobar on the other hand...I could even buy Jake Gyllenhaal as Joey (after Donnie Darko, it's definitely possible). Johnny Depp would probably be perfect, but that's aiming too high. Then again, Vince is supposed to be the next Johnny Depp (something my ex and many other Entourage "fans" probably have no idea about since they never watched the second episode), so you never know. It would depend on how he is in Queens Boulevard, and if he ended up getting Medellin, how he was in that. The more I think about it, he could pull it off. But for someone like Joey Ramone, I would want someone I know could pull off the attitude instead of just a superhero.


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