Monday, August 07, 2006

The sequel will be Bears in Day Care

There is only one true genius in America right now (even Omar Minaya signed Jose Lima): the person who greenlit Snakes on a Plane. The movie, replete with Samuel L Jackson and a horrendous song, looks absolutely awful, and is of course a phenomenon and will likely be the #1 movie the weekend it is released. With all the bad movies and bad TV shows and bad CDs and bad everything that's currently saturating pop culture, how does something like Snakes on a Plane become so bad that it's a must-see? People love Fall Out Boy, but somehow think lyrics like "I'm just a notch in your bed post/but you're just a line in a song" are incredibly poignant. It doesn't seem like anyone actually believes that Snakes on a Plane will be any good. It will be hilarious because Samuel L Jackson will punch a snake, not because it will scare anyone.

I just hope this is a phase, and soon people realize that Fall Out Boy (and especially Panic no exclamation point At The Disco) are actually awful, and they'll just go away.


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